Effects of drugs containing serum from rats feeded with Ningxia dense point lizard different body parts on the proliferarion and apoptosis of human gastric cancer cells
LI Wei-qiang1,2*,WANG Jiao1,GUAN Fang1,AI Meng-huan1
1College of Traditional Chinese Medicine; 2Key Laboratory of Hui Medicine Ministry of Education,Ningxia Medical University,Yinchuan 750004,China
LI Wei-qiang1,2*,WANG Jiao1,GUAN Fang1,AI Meng-huan1. Effects of drugs containing serum from rats feeded with Ningxia dense point lizard different body parts on the proliferarion and apoptosis of human gastric cancer cells[J]. NATURAL PRODUCT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, 2019, 31(8): 1447-1451.