NATURAL PRODUCT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ›› 2016, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (2): 236-241. doi: 10.16333/j.1001-6880.2016.2.012

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Determination of Rare Earth Elements and Active Substances in Wild Gynostemma pentaphyllum of Yongzhou and Their Releasing Law in Boiling Water

LIAO Yang,ZEN Fan-xing,ZHANG Jin,WEN Su-zhen,YAN Rong-Ling*   

  1. School of Chemistry and Bioengineering,Hunan University of Science and Engineering,Yongzhou 425199,China
  • Online:2016-02-29 Published:2016-03-07

Abstract: In this study,the content of rare earth elements(REE) and active substances in wild Gynostemma pentaphyllum of Yongzhou and their releasing law in hot water by two ways of continuous boiling and natural cooling were analyzed to provide references for its comprehensive development and daily health care applications.Results showed that,(1) All REE content were extremely low and Sc,Pm,Tm and Lu even could not be detected.Content order of other 13 elements was Ce>La>Nd>Eu>Y>Sm>Gd>Pr>Dy>Er>Tb>Yb>Ho.Total content of all REE was 0.1377 mg/Kg.REE released more in continuous boiling way than in natural cooling way,total release amount in the two ways were 0.0414 and 0.0223 mg/Kg,respectively.(2) The content of saponins,flavonoids and polysaccharide in wild G.pentaphyllum of Yongzhou were 20.8,28.1 and 52.5 mg/g,respectively.All the three kinds of active substances showed a significant releasing in boiling water,and the total releasing content of three kinds of active substances in two ways was 26.12 and 48.94 mg/g,respectively.However,they showed different releasing rule in two treating ways of natural cooling and continuous boiling.(3) There were a significant positive correlation among the releasing content of three active substances (P<0.01).Results indicated that,wild G.pentaphyllum of Yongzhou showed a great value for further development and utilization for the high content and remarkable releasing in boiling water of active substances.Meanwhile,the content of REE and its releasing amount in boiling water was extremely few.

Key words: rare earth elements;active substances;release law, Gynostemma pentaphyllum

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