NATURAL PRODUCT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ›› 2014, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (Suppl1): 146-151.

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Research Advances in Chemical Constituents,Pharmacological Activities and Endophyte of Thevetia peruviana

SONG Hua-wen,JIANG Li-ming*   

  1. Institute of Biochemical and Molecular Biological,Medical College of Guang dong,Zhan jiang 524023,China
  • Online:2014-12-30 Published:2015-03-04

Abstract: Thevetia peruviana are widely distributed in the tropical and subtropical zone,possessing important medicinal property.Thevetia peruviana have been characterized by the thevetin,and the study of thevetin are always hot.Meanwhile,substantial pharmacological researches have been focused on Thevetia peruviana’s efficacy in cardiac,treatment of cancer,antiinflammation and analgesia and so on.Recently,researches on the endophyte of Thevetia peruviana are being done.This review summarizes the advance in the study of chemical constituents,pharmacological functions and the endophyte of Thevetia peruviana in the past 20 years.These nove insights will provide guidelines for future investigations in this field.

Key words: Thevetia peruviana, chemical constituents, pharmacological activity, endophyte

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