NATURAL PRODUCT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ›› 2016, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (6): 965-977. doi: 10.16333/j.1001-6880.2016.6.026

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Review on Phytochemicals Protecting/Repairing Against Oxidative Damage via Nrf2 and Its Related Proteins

YUN Ke-li1,YU Xiao-jin1,2,WANG Zhen-yu1,3*   

  1. 1 School of Chemistry and Chemical engineering,Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin 150001,China;  2 College of Pharmacy,Heilongjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine; 3 College of Forestry,Northeast Forestry University,Harbin 150040,China
  • Online:2016-06-30 Published:2017-01-17

Abstract: NF-E2 related factor 2 (Nrf2) was a basic leucine zipper transcription factor.It was inhibited by keap1 and was expressed in metabolic and detoxification organs,such as liver,kidney and intestine,and in organs continuously exposed to environment,such as skin,lung and the digest tract,mediated signalling pathway provides living organisms an crucial defensive to counteract environmental damage and endogenous stressors.In terms of its activation process,Nrf2 translocates from cytoplasm to nucleus to bind ARE (antioxidant response element) to promote the expression of antioxidant enzymes gene and Ⅱdetoxifing enzymes.Phytochemicals played a significant role in the fight against human disease.After Nrf2 was activated by phytochemicals through different pathways (such as MAPK,PI3-K/Akt,mTOR,AMPKα),its downstream Genes were upregulated to protect against oxidative stress caused by different factors:such as physical factors (visible light,ultraviolet light,gamma rays,noise,heat stress,etc.),chemical factors (environmental toxins,drug side effects, etc.), biological factors (lifestyle,microbial infections,etc.).In this study,we reviewed bioactive research reports of phytochemicals (in vitro and in vivo),and give clue to significance of regulation of expression of Nrf2 in different systems diseases caused by oxidative stress in different contexts.

Key words: natural products, Nrf2, oxidative stress, signaling pathway

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